Month: April 2010

  • 三歲 Board Game 大全

    三歲 Board Game 大全

    有幾個教育界的長輩(包括清林嫲嫲)都說,最好學習數學的方法就是玩 Board Game,其中,大力推薦「釣魚」遊戲。

    每晚飯後,清林就和爸爸媽媽玩不同的 Board Game,這幾款是清林愛玩的:

    A。Rainbow Fish:非常簡單,不過清林卻非常喜歡。



    D。Rumikub Junior:這個以色列數學遊戲,原裝是非常難玩的,當然現在只是玩超級簡化版。清林最大的得著是學會把數字牌由小排大,然後找出 Group 或 Series。


    1. 每人派四隻牌,另開四隻牌放入「魚池」
    2. 輪流每人出牌:如果有「魚池牌」和手中的牌一樣數字,可以「釣」成一對,收好。如果沒有 Match 的「魚池牌」,就要把手中其中的一隻牌放入魚池。
    3. 當大家出了手上四隻牌後,再每人派四隻牌,繼續遊戲,直至所有牌「釣」完為止。
    4. 大家數一下釣到的牌,最多的勝出。

    這個「釣魚」遊戲,是根據 Cassino Fishing Game 簡化要來。本來的玩法深好多,其中最好玩是手中的一隻牌可以釣多條魚(只要釣回來的牌面 Sum 是手中的牌面),這個玩法,要等小矮人識心算加數才可以引入,還有排等。


    這個遊戲的 learning points 是有大量的 counting (派牌,數牌)和 matching。多了「累積分」機制,還要識減數(勝出者的每局點數)和加數(累績分)。。。當年在 Ikea 買的 Abacus 就幫上大忙!

  • 一年一度觀課日



    過了大半年K1,媽媽發覺清林真是進步了好多,真是要多謝老師的教導。清林由最初不太守規則,到現在對學校的 Routine 從善如流,在班上的表現合作,真是有點神奇的。

    課堂設計也不沉悶。當天的專題是交通工具﹣船,大家用大水泡「扮」row row row the boat,另外又有到操場的水池放小船,好好玩。

    不過K3姐姐的活動更好玩,她們玩飛機場,有飛機 flight schedule, check in counter, customs & immigration counter, 飛機艙,有點像 BabyBoss,每人有不同的角色:地勤,海關,空姐,乘客。。。整件事是由K3學生們一手一腳策劃籌備的大 Project,之前還邀請了空姐到學校講解。


    不過媽媽今次觀課其實是有點緊張的。。。因為要做小老師,教大家「船」!結果就做了一個 Powerpoint 和小朋友分享,還準備了一個小實驗,幸好小朋友反應還好。。。其實做幼稚園老師真是不容易的。

    有點可惜是時間太短了,一年只有一次的觀課。不過正如校長說,學校 Afford 不到太多的觀課活動,因為也會影響學生的上課。唯有等下一年了。

  • 三寶又遊OP




  • 一周書評



    如果真是以這個 Rate 繼續下去,清林的閱讀報告一定會浪費大量紙張,有點不環保。



    《Where's Wally》《Three Billy Goats Gruff : Read and Play》:在《Read Aloud Handbook》有一個好詳盡的推介書單。媽媽就跟推介借了《Where's Wally》。非常棒,清林非常喜歡「眾裡尋他千百度」。《Three Billy Goats Gruff : Read and Play》其實都類似,有故事和有簡單的 Puzzle,清林也好喜歡玩。暫時,清林玩尋找 Wally 也算頗眼利,不過玩「Find the 10 differences」還是好盲。

    《Madeline says Merci》:又是媽媽百借不厭的禮儀書。有清林剛讀過的 Madeline,有親切感。

    《Winnie the Pooh Story Treasury》:不是廸廸尼版本。是原裝故事。真的百看不厭。

    《Leonardo the Terrible Monster》:「如其做一隻嚇不了人的怪獸,不如做你的知心好友」。作者是 Sesame Street 的作者 Mo Willems。其實《I am Invited to a Party》也是出自他的手筆。非常有趣幽默。作者是畫卡通出身的,他的書好有電影感,講故事能力一流!其實清林之前就了借了這本書的中文版,今次特意看原裝英文版原汁原味,不過事實上中文版也是一流的譯本。今期推介。

    《Rip Roaring Russell》:也是《Read Aloud Handbook》的推介,開始嘗試沒有畫的 Chapter Book,這確是入門書,有故事性,字不太深,當然間中也要解畫。

  • 游泳課三周年




    現在在 Pre-School Advanced 泳班的清林,基本上已做到9成教練的要求:

    1. Kick with a board on front for 5-10 m
    2. Float or kick on back for 5-10m
    3. Push off from the wall and swim 5-10m on front
    4. Swim from parent to teacher for a minimum 5m
    5. Able to lift arms over the water when swimming
    6. Standing jump and swim to the wall unassisted
    7. Retrieve a submerged object with or without parental assistance

    現在就只欠一樣:Able to lift head to breath。還未識呼吸。

  • 剪紙31


    每個星期四(其實之前是星期二,最近才改為星期四),都是清林期待的日子,因為放學後回家就會見到信信和 Kelly 姐姐!

    因為這一個約會,一向完全沒有時間觀念的清林居然會記得今天是星期幾,一到星期四就會說「今日會見到信信,hee hee !」。當然和信信比就是無得比。。。話說上星期去信信家,臨走時,信信和清林道別:「拜拜,22號見!」整個四月月曆在信信心中!

    今天 Kelly 姐姐做了剪紙給兩個小朋友作獎勵。


    Kelly 姐姐問信信:「你想剪D咩呀?」信信這個數字痴居然說:「185!」。。。點剪!
    結果,Kelly 姐姐剪了個 31送給他,信信也欣然收貨。

  • 少女的塗鴉


    好久沒有提起 Montessori 的理論了,雖然從來沒有深究這門學說,清林也不再是就讀 Montessori 學校,家裡也一樣 Montessori 的教具也沒有,不過清林媽依然認為自己是 Montessori 學說的教徒,只是用了自己的方法去實踐。。。


    有點 Mr. Men 的風格。還有清林的簽名。。。文盲清林近來一味寫「AH」。

  • 才藝表演之小時候


    附屬幼稚園一向也有好多好玩活動,其中一樣叫「才藝表演」,在午會時舉行,有一個 Roster,所有小朋友輪流出去表演給全校師生欣賞。大家表演彈琴唱歌朗誦跳舞魔術,總之自己任擇。

    清林就是因為見得多 K3 姐姐彈琴,所以久不久又會說要學埋一份,好讓她也可以在「才藝表演」時一展身手。不過學琴這回事,當然只聞樓梯響。。。


    上次「才藝表演」了 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,今次媽媽想攪新意思,鼓勵清林自己揀首歌。

    清林選了《小時候》,也是她在車上常聽的 180 首中外名曲中其中比較喜歡的。






  • Show Time Again !!!

    Show Time Again !!!

    上星期,媽媽如常在網上「漫遊」,見到《仙樂飄飄處處聞》的加場廣告,忽發奇想,不如一家三口正正經經看套 musical?剛好這一套是本地製作,價格比「來路貨」相宜得多,上網一 check,剛剛還有最後三個連位,馬上訂了票。


    這音樂劇是中文製作,最初爸媽都有點擔心那些中文歌詞的質素,但意外地填得挺好,媽媽尤其喜歡 Do Re Mi。


  • 閱讀報告:The Read Aloud Handbook

    閱讀報告:The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease

    因為網友的推介,清林媽就從圖書館借了這本書看。清林媽媽本來對 Handbook 類的書藉本身有點怕怕的,不過既然見之前也有人推介,就試閱一下。



    1. Why reading is important ?
    Background Knowledge : Children who read the most are the most well-rounded students in the classroom. They bring the largest amount of background knowledge to the table and thus understand more of what the teacher or the textbook is teaching.

    2. Why do parents read-aloud ?
    Parents and teachers are role models who can attach child to books.
    Instead of just teaching your child how to read, reading-aloud can help making your child want to read. Read-aloud can motivate the child to read independently for pleasure.
    Furthermore, reading-aloud can help children to build vocabulary in standard language and lengthen their attention span.

    3. When to begin ?
    As early as possible. Same to the question : "When did you start talking to your child ? Did you wait until he was six months old ?"

    4. Learn to Read Early ?
    Read-aloud-early does not equal to learn-to-read-early.
    There are kids who were reading from a dictionary at the age of three and a half; and learned to read and type successfully by four. Some of those kids went through Grade one successfully, but on second grade they really bombed out on. I have the feeling that they'd been pushed so hard from outside to learn to read early, that the cost of pushing didn't show up until later.

    5. When to stop ?
    Reading aloud should be a practice that continue throughout the school years!
    Children can hear and understand stories that are more complicated and more interesting than anything they could read on their own.
    6. The importance of re-reading.
    Re-readings coincide with the way children learn. The repetition improves their vocabulary, sequencing and memory skills. Children learn languages in increments.

    7. How to answer questions.
    In case of intelligent questions (c.f. silly questions), try to respond immediately if it involves background knowledge and thus help the child better understand the story. Extraneous questions can be handled by saying "Good questions ! Let's come back to that when we're done."

    8. Literature and critical thinking skills.
    Given the variety involved, children books offer an excellent opportunity to introduce children to comparative literature. You can read different books of similar stories on successive days, and discuss the similarities and differences.

    9. Celebrating the Authors.
    Always read aloud the book name as well as the author. Let children understand that every book has an author. It is also a good habit to do an author background study together. A lifetime reader all has favorite authors.

    10. Novel or chapter books ?
    Yes! Avoid long and description passages until the child's imagination and attention span are capable of handling them. There is nothing wrong with shortening or eliminating them. Prereading the book before read aloud to children. Series novels can be a good choice as the child is familiar with the story background.

    11. Success story of Finland and Public Library.
    Finland is the nation with the highest citizen literacy rate. Look closely :

    • Kids have home library with 50 or more books
    • Kids visit the public library at least once a week
    • Kids watch no more than 2 hour of TV daily

    12. Sustained Silent Reading at Home.
    Allocate a limited time (say 15 minutes before bedtime) each day. All family members sit quietly and read their choice of books for pleasure. No question, no interruption.




    有一篇 Amazon 的 Reader's Comment :

    Children today are TOO BUSY - most kids have more activities than anyone could possibly handle and still have time to stop and just be! 10-15 years ago, kids would play a sport, or play an instrument, take dance lessons, or be in Scouts. They might do two of these things. But now I know kids who do them ALL, plus more things I haven't mentioned. And one of the things that gets cut out is READING. Meals together as a family fall by the wayside and kids and parents are so exhausted from running around with all the activities that they don't read books and the parents are too tired to read to them...

    不要因為有好多其他的興趣和學習活動或要做功課,而犧牲了 Read-aloud 和 Sustained Silent Reading 的時間!